On The Route of The Woodside Link
Fencing to keep the public off the roadway during construction. Tarmacced path between Frogmore and Wheatfield Rd. The new road will dissect this path. A pelican crossing is to be constructed.
Cleared for the new road. Scrub. Fenced. To keep public off the roadworks. Towards Frogmore Rd. Towards Sandringham Drive Towards Frogmore Road Towards Sandringham Drive Towards Windsor Drive Towards Sandringham Drive West from bus link The diamond shape pylon area by Parkside Drive disused buslink carries the 132kV cables which will be moved underground (work in progress) and when this has been completed the diamond towers will be removed. Expected to be completed by early 2016. |
Part One: http://adwphotos.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/on-route-of-woodsidelink.html
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